本帖最后由 swdn 于 2012-10-22 19:04 编辑
As you know, the item "Light of the Fireflies" [萤火虫之光] (code 'I07Z') has been remade recently. Now it gives +1.3 mana regen and +14 damage. Also, killing or assisting gives stacks for attack damage.
When I decided to check the script, I've found some interesting things.
It still decreases duration of debuffs by 35%:
- function DebuffDuration takes unit target, real time returns real
- // . . .
- elseif UnitHasItemOfTypeBJ(target, 'I07Z') then
- set time = time * 0.65
- endif
- // . . .
- endfunction
复制代码 It reduces stun duration by 25%:
- function GetUnitControlAllReduce takes unit caster, unit target returns real
- // . . .
- if UnitHasItemOfTypeBJ(target, 'I07Z') then
- set timeper = timeper * 0.75
- endif
- // . . .
- endfunction
复制代码 Stats in item database have not changed (does not matter in current version):
- call ItemRegisterDataDefence('I07Z', 6000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- call ItemRegisterDataAttack('I07Z', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- call ItemRegisterDataStat('I07Z', 21, 21, 21)
复制代码 However, I did not see declarations for this item in functions "GetUnitAttack" and "GetUnitMagicRegen".
How to fix:
- Remove declarations from "DebuffDuration" and "GetUnitControlAllReduce" functions
- Change stats in item database:
- call ItemRegisterDataDefence('I07Z', 2000, 0, 0, 0, 1.3, 0, 0, 0)
- call ItemRegisterDataAttack('I07Z', 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- call ItemRegisterDataStat('I07Z', 0, 0, 0)
复制代码 - Add declarations to "GetUnitAttack" and "GetUnitMagicRegen" functions:
- function GetUnitItemAttackCharges takes unit v, integer itemr returns real
- local integer i = 0
- local real attack = 0.0
- loop
- if GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(v, i)) == itemr then
- set attack = attack + GetItemCharges(UnitItemInSlot(v, i))
- endif
- set i = i + 1
- exitwhen i > 6
- endloop
- return attack
- endfunction
- function GetUnitAttack takes unit v returns integer
- // . . .
- set attack = attack + GetUnitItemAttack(v, 'I07Z', 14)
- set attack = attack + GetUnitItemAttackCharges(v, 'I07Z')
- // . . .
- endfunction
- function GetUnitMagicRegen takes unit v returns real
- // . . .
- set regen = regen + GetUnitItemMagicRegen_Single(v, 'I07Z', 1.30)
- // . . .
- endfunction
复制代码 That's all.