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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-7 17:54:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 necrodesu 于 2010-8-16 17:16 编辑

Once again I greet all of you who read this, and once again I am here to annoy you.
But first I would like to thank all of you people, who made this wounderfull map. Dunno how to thank you in your language, so I’ll do it in mine: Спасибо.
Below are listed my ideas regarding this map. The map is GOOD, but it is still far from being PERFECT. I’ll try my best to assist you. All the information is highly systematized, but I had no opportunity to actually test it ingame, so testing and final rebalancing is left on you. I’m sorry.
My project is not complete yet, but I will be constantly updating it. If you don’t like something, just leave a note below and I will try to understand it. In certain cases I will leave a note myself.
These lame icons are also made by me. I am not a painter, nor I am a film editor. I am just a touhou optimist with a lot of spare time. And a PhotoshopCS2. So all possible credits go to ZUN and Danbooru, it doesn’t bother me at all. By the way: I see you are using a nice custom frame for your icons, would you be so kind to share it with me, if you happen to like my paintings? I plan to make icons for all skills of all heroes on this map. I can also make them better if I want to.
One last thing. Naturally, I am not going to learn you language and you are not going to learn mine, but we can understand each other if we want to. I am also having a hard time trying to understand you. So have fun trying to understand what I mean.

Items: existing.
Let’s start with this section. Changes in the current items will be listed below.

Price: 53
+1 all Stats
Text: According to ZUN, everything is better with ribbons.
The joke is rather poor, but it seems to be truth.

Fairie Wings
Price: 1200
+12% Evasion
Text: Pink butterfly wings made of silk. Make you lighter when put on your back.

God's Right Hand
Price: 1200
+160 HP
+130 mana
Text: Legend has it that God did his first time with this.
Michelangelo knows better, how this thing should really look.

Tengu Fan (2925)
Price: 600
Items needed:
Lunar Landing Rocket Manual (1000)
Sake (875)
Basics of Magic: Wind (450)
+100% mana regeneration
+16 Intelligence
+25 movement speed
Tengu wind (Active): Tosses a unit into the air, making it invulnerable and unable to act. Lasts 3.2 seconds, costs 75 mana, has a 30 second cooldown and 700 cast range. 3 charges. Buy recipe to refill.
Text: "One sweep of the fan can blow over a house, two sweeps can blow over a large tree, and three sweeps can cause a traveler's cloak to fly away."
A new picture and a little buff to fit it. Of all the items possible I consider Tengu fan the most suitable one for causing wind to blow. Really.

Kitsune Exalt (2150) *marked for redesign
Price: 550
Items needed:
Cat Claw (1000)
Nekomimi (450)
Cat Mint (150)
+20 Agility
Wind Walk (active): Makes you invisible until the duration ends, or until you attack or use an ability. While invisible you move 50% faster and can move through units. Lasts 2 seconds, costs 75 mana and has a 10 second cooldown.
Text: A talisman created by taking a hair from each of a kitsune's nine tails. It has saved a lot of lives.

Howling Banshee Mask (2220)
Price: 550
Items needed:
Paper Mask (1000)
Nekomimi (450)
Grand Dress (250)
+12 Strength
+9 Agility
+75 HP
+3 armour
Howl (Active): -30% attack power to all nearby enemies. Lasts 6 seconds. 25 seconds cooldown.
Text: A grim combat mask worn by some Aspect of female warriors.
The doubtful joke is replaced by another doubtful joke.

Daruku Sukurima (2200)
Price: 500
Items needed:
Tiny Scissors (1200)
Fruit Knife (500)
+28 Attack.
Focus (Passive): Has a 15% chance to deal 150% damage.
Text: Cheap and fancy dagger, handy in all kind of situations. It is also light, durable and you can even put a soul in it! Truly the hit of the season. Everyone should have one.
The bonus is unchanged. The first of the two items from a certain game. Take a guess? I hope the pun is not too much for Touhou.

Hell Banana (2250)
Price: auto
Items needed:
Fairy Wings (1200)
Jinkela (600)
Nekomimi (450)
+9 Agility
18% Evasion
Incomplete yet. I intend to make Primaterator into something completely different.

Heaven Peach (2250)
Price: auto
Items needed:
Little Scissors (1200)
Jinkela (600)
Graffiti Petal (450)
+18 damage
+9 Strength
Poisonous Peach (passive): Each attack agains you poisons the attacker for 3 seconds,  slowing attack and movement speed by 10%.
Text: A peach fallen from the sky, looks delicious. These peaches seem to form most of the ration of celestials, making their bodies poisonous to youkai. Rather strange peaches. Taste some!

Star Fist (4500)
Price: 300
Items needed:
Shinigami scythe (3100)
Gum (1100)
+25 Strength (25)
+200 HP (200)
Star Platinum (Passive): For every 150 damage accumulated, attack speed is increased by 10%. Lasts 12 seconds. Stackable up to 15 times.
Text: A very strong spirit is posessing this heavy leather gauntlet, imbueing you with the power and accuracy to smash a wall or catch a bullet!
Redesigned considerably. Now the bonus looks like of a certain item from Allstars. Yet it is different.

Ibmbp’s Go Home and Get Married (4750)
Price: 575
Items needed:
Ice Cube (2100)
Tiny Scissors (1200)
Sake (875)
+15 Attack (12)
+10 all Stats (8)
+100% mana regeneration (80)
Taboo (Active): Hexes a target enemy girl into a cute Yukkuri, lasts 3 seconds. Range 800, CD 70 seconds.
Redesigned completely. My intention will be seen below.

Inaba Illusion Weapon (5400)
Price: 800
Items needed:
Lunarite x2 (3700)
Blessed Frog From an Ice Fairy (900)
+32 damage
+35% attack speed.
Illusion (Passive): If equipped by a ranged girl, attacks become Red Bullet Multi-attacks that hit 3 targets at a time.
New pic, no changes yet. Did I get the picture right?

Red Stone of Aja (5450)
Price: auto
Items needed:
Silver knife (3600)
Lunarite (1850)
+64 damage
+35% attack speed
Raging Heart (Active): 180% increase of attack speed and 30% increase of movement speed. However, the user takes 170% more damage. Last 7 seconds. 30 seconds cooldown.
Text: The legacy of the past long forgotten, the stone refracting the light in a unique way, the artifact capable of turning a vampire into a perfect being. Drives the rest of creatures insane, however.
“Jojo’s bizarre adventure” puns start here. Why not? To me ZUN himself seems to be quite fond of the series. Just look at all the quotes and parodies in his games. In this item there is another pun, but you will have to understand it youself *smile*. The bonus is unchanged.

Soul Separator (5600) *fix'd
Price: 1000
Items needed:
Daruku Sukurima (2200)
Minute Spanner (2400)
+56 damage
Greater Focus (Passive): Has 15% chance to deal 300% damage.
Text: This heavy dagger is considered the most favourite weapon among the treasure hunters, plainswalkers and other bounty hunters of all kinds. Yes, it’s a dagger, not a sword. Seriously.
The second item from that game. Bonus is unchanged.

Thy Great Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi *marked for deletion
Price: 6999
+399 attack power
I Command Thee (Active): Changes the current weather at will (you select it from the pulldown). Has a rather symbolic 30 second cooldown.
Drops on Death
Text: Swords don't kill people. I kill people. With swords.
So the great “Regalia of Emperial Japan” is sold at Kourindou. Funny. He is an amazing person, that shopkeeper *laugh*. According to PMiSS, Rinnosuke intended to keep it for himself, but now you have convinced him to sell this katana at a reasonable price. What other legendary artifacts are kept in this shop, I wounder. The ability to change weather may seem too much and it can be abused, but another team can counter it effectively, if they want to.

Items: new.

Scarlet Ribbon *marked for deletion
Price: 900
Lifesteal (Passive): Converts 10% of melee damage dealt into HP, Orb effect.
Text: A bow of scarlet cloth. Surprisingly popular among non-humans.
Why isn’t there a single item, that gives you Lifesteal, I wounder? It could be because of balance and such, but I don’t get it. Any explanations? Also, the pic is lame, I’ll change it later.

Scarlet Devil Hat (1850) *marked for deletion
Price: auto
Items needed:
ZUN's Hat (950)
Scarlet Ribbon (900)
+3 HP regeneration
+4 armour
Lifesteal (Passive): Converts 15% of melee damage dealt into HP, Orb effect.
Power of Charisma (Active): Charms a hostile creep up to level 4 to obey any order. After the time expires, it dies of happiness. Lasts 1 minute, costs 75 mana, has a 120 second cooldown, and a 300 cast range.
Alternative (Active): +20 damage and +10% Lifesteal. Lasts 15 seconds, costs no mana, has a 45 second cooldown.
Text: A beautiful headpiece overflowing with charisma.
The active skill of this new item is rather doubtfull, ‘cause it requires to rebalance all of the forest creeps up to certain level, which should take quite the time to do it. I’d also like to see the chart of these creeps with their stats and skills. In case if you don’t want to rebalance the creeps, I’ve made a simple Alternative active skill for this item, but Dominate goes very well with the “Remilia’s Charisma” joke, just too well.

Evil Sealing Ribbon (1900) *marked for deletion
Price: 1000
Items needed:
Scarlet Ribbon (900)
Lifesteal (Passive): Converts 15% of damage dealt into HP, Orb effect.
Remove The Seal (Active): Gives +60% attack speed and +10% movement speed but causes you to take 50% extra damage. Lasts 5 seconds, costs 80 mana, and has a 30 second cooldown.
Text: A powerful amulet for keeping insanity, disguised as a simple hair ribbon. Is that so?
The active skill is temporary, it will be remade lately.

Tengu Mask (2150)
Price: 945
Items needed:
Witch Broom (500)
Fruit knife (500)
Magicshroom (205)
+12 damage
+3 all Stats
+70 movement speed
Be Quick or be Dead (Active): Immediately grants +20% movement speed and ignores unit pathing when moving. Using skills/items ends the effect. Lasts 7 seconds, has a 14 second cooldown.
Text: A mask, representing the fastest kind in all Gensokyo. The red goes faster after all!
Well, PMiSS states, that the fastest creatures in Gensokyo are the Tengu, rivaled only by the vampires (and a certain human). Such a mask symbolises their speed, giving you a boost, when you put it on. Looks really weird though.

Gran Grimoire
Price: 2900
+25 Intelligence
Text: One of the finest magic books from Patchouli's precious library, it holds a lot of mystical power sealed inside its pages. Too bad you can't distinguish the letters in it.
This book opens the series of “+25 to a stat” items. The map lacks them in my opinion.

Tengu Scimitar
Price: 3000
+25 Agility
Text: Huge and razorsharp but miraculously weightless blade created by the Tengu. When being sheathed, shrinks into an old and battered katana. Why?

Shinigami Scythe
Price: 3100
+25 Strength
Text: Enormous and unwieldy scythe, acting as a foil to the one carrying it. You look imposing like hell, but it is hard to swing this thing actually...

Verity (3450)
Price: 600
Items needed:
Fairy Wings (1200)
Basics of Magic: Wind (450)
Tiny Scissors (1200)
+15 damage (12)
+15 Intelligence (6)
15% Evasion (12)
Confusion (Passive): Causes your attacks to burn 60 mana and deal bonus physical damage equal to 20% of mana burned; deals 120 bonus damage to summons, Orb effect.
Text: The ancestral sword, possessing the power to dispel the confusion of those it cuts. The exact details of its function are unclear. What a bother.
A confusion manipulating blade can be a horrible weapon indeed. The wielder stays calm and collected no matter what happens, but his enemies turn chaotic and panic irrationally after the first stab from this blade. Too bad it can only be used properly by the Konpaku dynasty.

Grimoire of Alice (3600/4300)
Price: 700
Items needed:
Gran Grimoire (2900)
+30 Intelligence (25)
Makai Demise (Active): Summons an Eldritch Abomination, ready to carry out any order. It’s not like it has mind on its own...
Recipe (700)
Further bonus:
+32 Intelligence
Makai Demise
Ultimate Magic (Passive): Upgrades the ultimate of any Intelligence preferring girl when acquired. Gives 0,25 damage and 3,25 mana per your Intelligence point.
Text: The origin of this book is shrouded with mystery. Strange rumours have it, that it can even turn a human into a youkai. Heavy seal is binding its pages. What will happen, if you break it?
It’s from another new series of items, which upgrade the Ultimates. It is made upgradable in case if someone wants to have the other ability it gives, but won’t benefit from the Ultimate upgrade.

Eldritch Abomination has 2300 HP, melee attack range of 130, 30-40 attack power (normal type), 1,75 attack cooldown, 5 armour (heavy type), 260 movement speed, Poison armour, Poison touch and Magic Resistance.
Poison armour (Passive): Each enemy, striking the unit, gets -10% attack speed and takes 15 damage per second. Lasts 5 seconds, stackable infinitely.
Poison touch (Passive): Each attack deals 50 damage per second and slows target’s movement speed by 10%. Lasts 2 seconds, does not stack.
Magic resistance (Passive): Reduces damage taken from spells by 50%. Immune to negative effects.

Tetsusaiga (3650/4300)
Price: 650
Items needed:
Tengu scimitar (3000)
+30 Agility (25)
Wound of the Wind (Active): Releases a short shockwave in front of you, dealing 225 damage. Costs 90 mana, has a 45 second cooldown and 400 cast range.
Recipe (650)
Further bonus:
+32 Agility
Wound of the Wind
Ultimate Agility (Passive): Upgrades the ultimate of any Agility preferring girl when acquired. Gives 0,25 damage and 0,035 armour per your Agility point.
Text: A blade, said to be wielded by the great Wolf Tengu of the past. You can lift it single-handedly. Has far more of hidden abilities to understand. Or was it a Dog Youkai?
Does Inuyasha pun here need some explanation?

Kafziel (3700/4300)
Price: 600
Items needed:
Shinigami scythe (3100)
+30 Strength (25)
Follow the Reaper (Passive): Each strike deals 0,05 damage for each of target’s missing HP, Orb effect (or it seems so). Damage = ([target’s max HP] – [target’s current HP]) *0.05
Recipe (600)
Further bonus:
+32 Strength
Follow the Reaper
Ultimate Strength (Passive): Upgrades the ultimate of any Strenght preferring girl when acquired. Gives 0,25 damage and 4,75 HP per your Strength point.
Text: Long, exoticly curved scythe of the unknown origin. Its cold sinister glow is giving you shivers, as faint whispers are echoing about it.
This one ability is pretty strong by the way. And I had pretty no ideas, what should I put on the picture back then, so forgive me.

Crimson Shade Umbrella (4550) *marked for redesign
Price: 1200
Items needed:
Scarlet Devil Hat (1850)
God’s Right Hand (1200)
+200 HP (160)
+160 mana (130)
Regeneration aura (Passive): +3 HP regeneration to all friendly units in 500 AoE.
Armour aura (Passive): +4 armour to all friendly units in 500 AoE.
Vampiric aura (Passive): All friendly units in 500 AoE convert 15% of melee damage dealt into HP, Orb effect.
WRYYYYYY! (Active): Instills fear into the hearts of surrounding enemies, rendering them helpless. Lasts 2 seconds, costs 150 mana, has a 300 AoE and 60 second cooldown. 3 charges. Buy recipe to refill.
Text: An umbrella suited fine for hiding your vampire self under it. The sunlight is bad for your hair. And books.
Yet another JOJO pun. The fear spell is basically a debuff, that prohibits all actions exept for movement. Quite like Yukari’s "Quadruple Barrier" or Reimu’s "Duplex Barrier".

Shuuten-douji (5250) *marked for redesign
Price: 1100
Items needed:
Tengu Scimitar (3000)
Cat Claws (1000)
Saigyouji Branch (150)
+20 damage
+40 Agility (36)
Vorpal (Passive): Each melee strike renders your agility-based damage as chaos, ignoring target’s armour reduction. If the hero is not agility-based, renders 20 damage instead. Affects ethereal units as well.
Text: "The things that cannot be cut by my blade, forged by youkai, are close to none!"
Youmu’s quote here explains the point of this item pretty good – a can-opener, able to pass through the heaviest armour as it was nothing. Requires skills to use, however.

Evergreen Parasol (5800)
Price: 800
Items needed:
Lunarite (1850)
Party Basket (1750)
Small Hammer (1400)
+50 damage (18+8+8+16=34+16=50)
+35% attack speed (35)
+6 HP/sec regeneration (4)
+120% mana regeneration (80)
I have the Power (Passive): Increases your total attack power by 20%.
Presence (Active):

-20% damage to all nearby units including allies. Has a 5 second cooldown and 200 AoE. Toggles On/Off.
Text: You can feel the surging of great power by holding it. Surprisingly, the slaughtering has never been that fun and ease before! Humans, youkai, it doesn't matter, genocide is just another game!
The item bearing the resemblace of someone awfully powerfull. Thus the bonus is rather huge. Too bad we don’t see her very often...

Ultraviolet Parasol (6700)
Items needed:
Tengu Fan (2925)
Gran Grimoire (2900)
Sake (875)
+42 Intelligence (16+25=41)
+200% mana regeneration (180)
+30 movement speed (25)
  Warp Phase (Active): Fools around with the world’s borders a little, sending target girl into another dimension. Ethereal units are slowed by 50%, they cannot attack and be attacked, but can cast spells and receive 50% more damage from spells and magic attacks. Lasts 4 seconds, costs 130 mana, has a 24 second cooldown and 450 cast range.
Text: *will be added later*.


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    Rank: 4

     楼主| 发表于 2010-7-7 18:29:22 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 necrodesu 于 2010-8-16 17:27 编辑

    In this section I will be commenting our favourite heroines and proposing new abilities and mechanics for them. Let’s start in order they are mentioned in the map. Each time I will be examining 6 heroes.

    Ran Yakumo – Kyuubi Strategist

    Special type, range 600, speed 285.
    Strength – 17 + 1.6
    Agility – 18 + 1.8
    Intelligence – 24 + 2.8 (main stat)
    Special ability –  Mutual relation (passive):

    Increases Ran’s mana regeneration by 60% and Chen’s HP regeneration by 3 HP/sec when in 650 from each other.
    In my opinion, that’s what they lack at the beginning.
    Special ability – a little feature of mine, every hero will have one right from the beginning and won’t be able to level it. They represent the heroines and add a little more variety to the game. They are not too serious to run around with.

    1) Shikigami "Chen"
    Calls forth the nekomata-shikigami Chen. Chen has melee attack range, inventory of 6 (can use items), attack cooldown 1.25 sec, heroic attack type, heavy armour type, movement speed 300. Ran looses 30% HP after her shikigami’s death. Armour bonus is applied, when Chen is in 1100 range from Ran.
    Mana cost: 300/400/500/600
    Cooldown: 20 sec
    Level 1: Attack power 35-45, Armour 2, HP 600, mana 300.
    Level 2: Attack power 40-50, Armour 4, HP 800, mana 400.
    Level 3: Attack power 45-55, Armour 6, HP 1000, mana 500.
    Level 4: Attack power 50-60, Armour 8, HP 1200, mana 600.
    The original picture is also good, mine is just an unnecessary alternation. I simply adore Bkub’s Chen *smile*. The skill itself is quite fancy. I propose binding Chen’s stats to Ran’s + skill’s level. Chen’s abilities will appear in the same order, i.e. 1 new skill per skill level and 1 level to all available ones. See below.

    2) Shikigami's Shot "Ultimate Buddhist"

    3) Shikigami's Radiance "Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser"

    4) Illusion God "Descent of Izuna Gongen"

    Chen – The Black Cat of Bad Omen

    Being able to carry and use items but having no hero stats makes her rather... unique. Her characteristics rise only from Ran’s 1st skill and simple items, which I find rather disappointing.  Her usability during the endgame is quite low. So:
    Attack power – 20-30 + [Ran’s Agility]
    Armour – 0 + [Skill level]*2
    HP – [Ran’s Strength]*19 + [Skill level]*143
    Mana – [Ran’s Intelligence]*13
    HP regen – [Base value] + [Ran’s Strength]*0.03
    Mana regen – [Base value] + [Ran’s Intelligence]*0.04
    Attack cooldown – 1.25/(1 + (IAS + [Ran’s Agility])/100)
    I don’t know Chen’s base values of HP/MP regeneration, but you know them, right?

    1) Flight Sign "Flight of Idaten"
    Learned at 1st level of skill.
    Greatly increases movement speed and attack speed for a brief period of time.
    Lasts: 10 sec
    Mana cost: 150/200/250/300
    Cooldown: 10 sec
    Level 1: 25% movement speed and 5% attack speed.
    Level 2: 50% movement speed and 10% attack speed.
    Level 3: 75% movement speed and 15% attack speed.
    Level 4: 100% movement speed and 20% attack speed.
    Basically it is a compilation of her previous 1st and 2nd. For running to shop or to finish someone.

    2) Cat Monster "Chen"
    Learned at 2nd level of skill.
    Gives Chen 30% evasion and 10% chance to land a critical strike, dealing increased damage.
    Level 1: 1.3 times the normal damage.
    Level 2: 1.6 times the normal damage.
    Level 3: 1.9 times the normal damage.
    Provides survivability (to compensate decreased armour) and damage boost. Don’t expext her to be a wall though.

    3) Direction Sign "Kimontonkou"
    Learned at 3rd level of skill.
    Changes places with Ran instantly and increases movement speed of both of you by 20%.  
    Lasts: 3 sec
    Mana cost: 125/150
    Level 1: 550 range.
    Level 2: 1100 range.

    4) Oni God "Soaring Guardian God"
    Learned at 4th level of skill.
    Drastically raises Chen’s attack power, armour and health regeneration for a brief period of time. Does not stack with Ran’s Ultimate.
    Lasts: 6 sec
    Mana cost: 500
    Cooldown: 60 sec
    Level 1: 100% damage, 50 armour, 20 HP/sec.
    An Ultimate for making Chen a little more threat to others.

    To summarise, Chen is now quite powerfull fighter herself, suffering only from low stats. Or  so it was expected. Regarding the stats, at Ran’s level 1/3/5/7 they are the same, as they were in the previous version of the skill (exept for armour), but now they can grow even farther. Maybe I should bind her attack to Ran’s Int, not Agi? Anyway, if you will find it too hard to make, leave a note below.

    Yukari Yakumo - Border of Phantasm

    Push type, range 600, speed 290.
    Strength – 17 + 1.8
    Agility – 15 + 1.5
    Intelligence – 28 + 2.9 (main stat)
    Special ability – Sukima (active): Teleports Yukari to any opened point on the map. The spell effect on the current area will reveal Yukari's intention. 3 second channelling time. Costs 20 mana, has a 30 second cooldown.
    In fact, she does not get anything new from this skill at all. Exept for the possibility to use it just anywhere and anytime you want. Why not? You can’t kill someone with it anyway. Oh well, you should make a lot of efford to do it *laugh*. Simply can’t imagine infamous Gap Youkai without her infamous gaps.

    1) Boundary Sign "Quadruple Barrier"

    2) Evil Spirits "Yakumo Yukari's Spiriting Away"

    3) Bounded Field "Curse of Dreams and Reality"
    Burns targeted girl’s mana, dealing damage equal to half the mana burned. Creeps do take full damage from this spell, summons take triple damage, regarding of current mana or mana itself.
    Range: 600
    Cooldown: 15 sec
    Mana cost: 50/95/120/155
    Level 1: Burns 100 mana.
    Level 2: Burns 170 mana.
    Level 3: Burns 240 mana.
    Level 4: Burns 310 mana.
    If Yukari’s skillset is purely devoted to annoying enemies, this skill is a must. With this she gains both offense and defense, now able to hold down almost any enemy solo. Can be overpowered, needs precious balancing.

    4) "Profound Danmaku Bounded Field - Phantasm, Foam and Shadow-"

    Suika Ibuki – Little Pandemonium

    Striker type, range 100, speed 305.
    Strength – 17 + 2.5
    Agility – 17 + 1.7
    Intelligence – 15 + 1.8
    Special ability – Oni Strength (passive):
    +0.30 damage per Strenght point.
    Simply the most powerfull beings in Gensokyo, according to Aya, Oni posess extraordinary strength even among the youkai.

    1) Drunk Sign “Drunken Haze”
    Suika throws her Infinite Gourd at the target, which breaks on impact, drenching enemies with alchohol in 200 AoE. Reduces their movement speed and causes their attacks to miss for 4 seconds. Creep duration is doubled. When set on fire under the duration, enemies take burn damage per second instead.
    Range: 550
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Mana cost: 70
    Level 1: -10% movement speed, 15% chance to miss, 20 dmg/sec.
    Level 2: -15% movement speed, 20% chance to miss, 24 dmg/sec.
    Level 3: -20% movement speed, 25% chance to miss, 28 dmg/sec.
    Level 4: -25% movement speed, 30% chance to miss, 32 dmg/sec.
    With the power to manipulate density collecting the shards and repairing the gourd will be an easy task, don’t worry. I always woundered, what will happen, if a flask, containing an infinite amount of liquid, breaks apart. Let’s see.

    Breathe fire
    Suika breathes a cone of fire that deals 80 damage. Units under Drunken Haze will ignite and take burn damage over time.
    Range: 375
    AoE: 125
    Cooldown: 12 sec
    Mana cost: 140
    Skill with no level, that appears and becomes avalable only when Suika uses Drunken Haze or 6 seconds after. Infinite napalm surely sounds dangerously.

    2) Drunken Dream "Art of Gaki Binding" *will be replaced soon
    Binds targeted girl with oni chains and pulls her back to Suika, draining mana rapidly for 3 seconds. After 3 seconds have passed, target regains her mana drained in 3 seconds.
    Cooldown: 40 sec
    Mana cost: 90/100/110/120
    Level 1: Drains 70% mana
    Level 2: Drains 80% mana
    Level 3: Drains 90% mana
    Level 4: Drains 100% mana

    3) Qi of Oni "Deep Mist Labyrinth"
    Suika uses her powers of density manipulation to transform herself into mist. In mist form she is invincible and free to move through units, but can’t attack or use spells and items. The ability can be cancelled any time.
    Cooldown: 13 sec
    Mana cost: 50/40/30/20
    Level 1: Lasts 2 seconds.
    Level 2: Lasts 3 seconds.
    Level 3: Lasts 4 seconds.
    Level 4: Lasts 5 seconds.

    4)Great Oni "Missing Purple Power"
    Suika suddenly bursts with overwhelming oni powers, gaining bonus Strength, movement speed and reducing all damage taken by 50%. Cannot use skills for the duration.
    Lasts: 8,5 sec
    Cooldown: 130 sec
    Mana cost: 175/275/375
    Level 1: 60 Strength, 10% movement speed.
    Level 2: 80 Strenth, 20% movement speed.
    Level 3: 100 Strength, 30% movement speed.
    Smash (passive): Each attack splits the earth around the target, dealing 50% damage to all enemies in 175 AoE.
    Gah, I’m just too lazy to make the icons for these skills at the moment. Some other time.

    Reimu Hakurei - The Shrine Maiden of Paradise

    All rounder type, range 550, speed 295.
    Strength – 16 + 2.0
    Agility – 19 + 1.8
    Intelligence – 16 + 2.8 (main stat)
    Special ability – Small Hitbox (passive):

    Raymoo’s collision size is twice smaller, then other girls’, providing more maneuverability and making it harder to hit her with AoE attacks. That’s what Danmaku is about...

    1) Jewel Sign "Enigmatically Casted Pearl"

    2) Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal"

    3) Dream Sign "Duplex Barrier"
    Added an autocast property for fun. Set the priority of this spell on her.

    4) Border World "Hakurei Danmaku Bounded Field"

    Marisa Kirisame - The Ordinary Magician

    Striker type, range – 550, speed – 310
    Strength – 15 + 1.8
    Agility – 15 + 1.5
    Intelligence – 21 + 3.5 (main stat)
    Special ability – Low Auto-Collection Boundary (passive):
    Gains +3 gold per level for beating enemy girls.

    1) Comet "Blazing Star"
    Marisa turns herself into a comet and rushes towards her target, damaging any enemies along the way.
    Cooldown: 22/18/14/10 sec
    Mana cost: 70
    Level 1: Rush distance 600. Deals 90 damage.
    Level 2: Rush distance 700. Deals 120 damage.
    Level 3: Rush distance 800. Deals 150 damage.
    Level 4: Rush distance 900. Deals 180 damage.
    Increased damage and cooldown. Catch up more preciously from now on.

    2) Magic Sign "Stardust Reverie"

    3) Ritualise Space "Orreries Solar System"

    4) Magicannon “Final Spark”
    Fires a freakishly huge magical laser at a target for 1.4 seconds, dealing massive damage to all enemies within it and stunning them. Consumes all remaining mana, converting it into bonus 1 damage per 4 mana points.
    Range: 1000
    AoE: 150 width, 900 length
    Cooldown: 140/110/80 sec
    Mana cost: 500
    Level 1:  Deals 360 base damage.
    Level 2:  Deals 540 base damage.
    Level 3:  Deals 720 base damage.
    I worked hard to make it into the most powerfull spell on the map. Damage is compensated with mana cost. But even after that it can still be imbalanced. Needs precious balancing.

    Hong Meiling - Colorful Rainbow Gatekeeper

    Striker type, range 127, speed 320
    Strength – 26 + 2.9 (main stat)
    Agility – 19 + 2.1
    Intelligence – 13 + 1.5
    Special ability – Uselessness (passive obviously):
    Useless gatekeeper has no special abilities.

    1) Qi Sign "Earth & Sky Dragon Kick"
    Meiling rushes forward in target direction, unleashing a devastating kick, that stuns and carries both her and the target along. Also deals damage to all enemies on the way and pushes them aside.
    Lasts: 1 sec
    Cooldown: 17/15/13/11 sec
    Mana cost: 85
    Level 1: Rush distance 600, deals 90 damage on the way and 120 damage to target.
    Level 2: Rush distance 700, deals 120 damage on the way and 160 damage to target.
    Level 3: Rush distance 800, deals 150 damage on the way and 200 damage to target.
    Level 4: Rush distance 900, deals 180 damage on the way and 240 damage to target.
    Quite powered up version of her previous jump, it now does decent damage and pushes the enemies hilariously far. Note, that the distance of the jump is always maximum regardless of target point. Ah, it also needs some cosmetic changes in the animation – more flashy and shiny, as seen in Hisoutensoku. And a nice and loud SMACK! sound.

    2) Supreme Color "Colorful Light Chaotic Dance"
    Meiling swiftly launches herself vertically into the air surrounded by swirly rainbow winds of death. Deals damage per second around her and makes her immune to magic for the duration.
    Lasts: 5 sec
    Range: 250
    Cooldown: 30 sec
    Mana cost: 110
    Level 1: 60 dmg/sec.
    Level 2: 80 dmg/sec.
    Level 3: 100 dmg/sec.
    Level 4: 120 dmg/sec.
    Also requires some cosmetic animation changes.

    3) Colorful Flower "Rainbow-Colored Tai Ji Quan"
    Each time Meiling uses a skill, she deals damage and stuns all enemies in 300 range around her. Can also be triggered by her attacks with 25% probability.
    Mana cost
    Level 1: 90 damage, 0.3 sec stun.
    Level 2: 120 damage, 0.7 sec stun.
    Level 3: 150 damage, 1.2 sec stun.
    Level 4: 180 damage, 1.5 sec stun.
    A rainbow colored explosion occurs around you each time it triggers. Pretty simple.

    4) Qi Sign "Fierce Tiger's Inner Strength"
    Meiling assumes the “Supa Saiya-jin” form, increasing her powerlevel by x50.
    Allows using hidden abilities.
    Cast time: 3 sec
    Lasts: 20 sec
    Cooldown: 115 sec
    Mana cost: 50
    Level 1: +40 damage, 4 armour, 350 HP, 40% magic damage reduction.
    Level 2: +60 damage, 8 armour, 700 HP, 55% magic damage reduction, allows using Blazing Strike "Great Roc's Assault Fist".
    Level 3: +80 damage, 12 armour, 1050 HP, 70% magic damage reduction, allows using Flower Sign "Colorful Light Lotus Flower Palm.
    Intense golden glow now surrounds Meiling. Her hair colour can also turn blond, just to make the DBZ joke more funny.

    Blazing Strike "Great Roc's Assault Fist":
    Next three strikes Meiling lands on the target will stun it for 1 sec and deal additional 50 damage each. Costs 80 mana, has 20 sec cooldown.
    A small rainbow flare follows each strike.

    Flower Sign "Colorful Light Lotus Flower Palm":
    Charges at the target in 400 range instantly and performs a single strike, that freezes still and renders invincible both of you for 3 seconds. When the time expires, target takes damage equal to 5x your attack power. Enemies in 250 range around the target also take half that damage. Costs 160 mana, has 20 sec cooldown.
    Rainbow seal under target’s feet followed by huge rainbow explosion!

    That’s it for now. New issue will revolt mainly around the “Scarlet Devil Mansion” inhabitants.
    New issue is on the way.


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    参与人数 8点数 +254 威严 +1 信仰 +5 收起 理由
    Flower_of_Life + 1 GJ
    十六夜黑仪 + 1 beautiful icons~
    泉☆此方 + 1



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  • TA的每日心情
    2011-2-3 01:43
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    发表于 2010-7-7 18:35:45 | 显示全部楼层

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  • TA的每日心情
    2011-8-6 00:32
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    Rank: 5Rank: 5

    发表于 2010-7-7 18:44:53 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 LuckyCharat 于 2010-7-7 18:47 编辑

    Uhh, excuse me.

    I'll introduce myself, I'm Lucky Charat from Doujinstyle which is also a fan of Touhou DotS.

    I have forwarded this and translated to the programming team (since they don't know more-than-basic english) ==|||.

    We can communicate from now on., or you can join www.doujinstyle.com, there's a DotS thread where we usually talk about updates and such ^^.



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  • TA的每日心情
    2011-8-6 00:32
  • 签到天数: 606 天










    Rank: 5Rank: 5

    发表于 2010-7-7 18:49:29 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 LuckyCharat 于 2010-7-7 18:52 编辑

    On the other hand, the items you have created are really impressive, MelonBun and HJ is really commending on the artwork and effort you have done.

    So I asked him if he would like to add you into his developing team as a Graphics Designer, do you accept the job? ^^

    I forgot, I'm a "semi-official" translator for DotS, I have finished translating all of the scripts and is just waiting for version 0.950 to start my work with my developing team.


    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2011-8-6 00:32
  • 签到天数: 606 天










    Rank: 5Rank: 5

    发表于 2010-7-7 18:53:24 | 显示全部楼层
    Correction, icons don't make up much of the space and besides, XLLightBulb says the map is uncompressed.


    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2010-12-29 09:58
  • 签到天数: 604 天









    Rank: 6Rank: 6



    发表于 2010-7-7 19:02:04 | 显示全部楼层
    Perfect icon design!!!
    ({:4_137:}It looks like we should compress the file size again for the new icon,because the size of .w3x is limited to 8m)

    But HugeBulb sad that new model textures will take only 1/3 spaces than before
    BLACK SHEEP WALL:http://www.hjistc.com
    We only have one candle. To burn down to the handle.

    使用道具 举报









    Rank: 4

     楼主| 发表于 2010-7-7 19:13:50 | 显示全部楼层
    Concerning the icons, they still are samples. They are 64x64 and I can easily convert them into everything I want. Didn't happen to hear about the capacity of the map, it will be taken into consideration later. I also heared something vague about Doujinstyle before, so should I be leaving there from now on? Too bad about the Engurish.

    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2011-8-6 00:32
  • 签到天数: 606 天










    Rank: 5Rank: 5

    发表于 2010-7-7 19:19:35 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 LuckyCharat 于 2010-7-7 19:20 编辑

    Nah, your english is understandable, the Engrish is what makes up most of the people here nya :3

    Anyhow, that's a whole lot of information you have generated, it would take some time to think about it and designs.


    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2010-12-29 09:58
  • 签到天数: 604 天









    Rank: 6Rank: 6



    发表于 2010-7-7 19:22:53 | 显示全部楼层
    The icon is good,i think they will be no problem to put them into the map.(And we could always find a way to solve such problems{:4_156:})
    BLACK SHEEP WALL:http://www.hjistc.com
    We only have one candle. To burn down to the handle.

    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2011-8-6 00:32
  • 签到天数: 606 天










    Rank: 5Rank: 5

    发表于 2010-7-7 19:27:40 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 LuckyCharat 于 2010-7-7 19:31 编辑

    About lifesteal items...

    Not a really good idea though, carriers like Rumia and Flan can win the whole game with a lifesteal item in hand unless we nerf them, which just kills off how uber they are. But that's just my opinion. I don't know how the developers think about this.

    A point to understand about DotS in comparison with DotA: skills are what make up a DotS hero, items are what make up a DotA hero.


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    吉恋 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2010-7-7 19:31:52 | 显示全部楼层
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    使用道具 举报

  • TA的每日心情
    2010-12-29 09:58
  • 签到天数: 604 天









    Rank: 6Rank: 6



    发表于 2010-7-7 19:39:21 | 显示全部楼层
    I don't think life steal item is so IMBA if exist.
    Girls like Rumia did not have so much time to steal life in large battle,steal life item may be more useful for fighting with creeps =.=
    BLACK SHEEP WALL:http://www.hjistc.com
    We only have one candle. To burn down to the handle.

    使用道具 举报

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